Educational Books to help you prepare, train, compete in shows, and care for your puppy.
Below is a must read book from Dog Wise.
Teach Your Herding Breed To Be A Great Companion Dog - From Obsessive To Outstanding Winner of the DWAA 2015 Captain Haggerty Award for Best Training Book Help! He's herding the neighborhood kids!!
Herding breed dogs such as Border Collies, Corgis, and Australian Shepherds have incredibly strong instinctive behaviors to do the work they were bred for controlling various kinds of livestock.
These behaviors manifest themselves in modern herding breed dogs kept as companions or family pets in a number of ways. These include chasing cars and bicyclists, herding kids, nipping at vulnerable
heels, barking incessantly, and acting as the fun police in dog parks. All behaviors that are entirely appropriate and necessary when dealing with sheep or cattle, not so great in a suburban
neighborhood. Fortunately, these instincts can be redirected in a number of ways that keep these energetic dogs busy and happy as well as out of trouble. That is why so many of these dogs can be
taught to excel in agility and obedience trials, love to retrieve, and make great running companions. In her latest book, author Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell offers solutions to solving and preventing
problem behaviors associated with herding breeds living in the modern world. And no, even though your Border Collie or Corgi might love it, you don't need to buy a farm! As the owner of two obsessive
but outstanding herding dogs, I found myself nodding along in agreement with this book from start to finish. Dawn offers tips to allow a handler to work with, rather than against a dog's herding
instincts and her easy-to-read writing style and the depth of information she shares makes this book a must read for anyone who works or lives with herding dogs. Nicole Larocco-Skeehan, CPDT-KA and
member of the Board of Directors, CCPDT A super resource that explains how instinctive behaviors impact dogs in their every day activities. I especially like the training tips very clear and helpful
explanations to manage problems often brought out by a variety of herding instincts. Lynn Leach, owner of Downriver Stock Dog Training and creator of the popular All Breed Herding DVD series A
wonderful mix of training information, management suggestions, psychology, and commonsense advice for herding dog owners. Easy to read and filled with gems of information for all dog owners like
eliminating annoying barking! I highly recommend this book for trainers and owners of any breed of dog. Gail Tamases Fisher, CDBC and author of The Thinking Dog If you have chosen to bring a herding
breed in to your life and home this is the book for you! Dawn takes the reader through the history of herding breeds in order to help you understand the why behind some of the obsessive-compulsive
behaviors your herding breed may be exhibiting. Better yet, Dawn then offers up specific exercises and training techniques to help herding breed owners become as valuable as livestock in the eyes of
their herding dog. You owe it to your herding breed to read this book! Gerianne Darnell, author of Canine Crosstraining: Achieving Excellence in Multiple Dog Sports Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell is the
author of Terrier-Centric Training, and From Birdbrained to Brilliant. She is the owner of BonaFide Dog Academy in Omaha, Nebraska.